With ‘Love Me Like A Psycho Robot’ Meta’Desi Comics aims to unite West with East

Aiming to bring East and West a little closer together, ICBM Comics and Meta Desi reached out to fellow creative’s in the Indie-comics scene in Europe and found a great new partner in BookMaker Comics. Together they are launching their first comic titled Love Me Like A Psycho Robot at the upcoming Bangalore Comic Con that will take place from 12 to 14 September.

“I have come on board as the person with exclusive rights to publish an Indian edition of this comic with a special Indian Variant Cover. The creative team consists of Stefano Cardoselli (Heavy Metal, 2000AD) who has worked on the art and Valeriana Cretella (Arcana Comics) who has written the script with the help of Stefano. In addition there is Angela Tottarelli who has done a great job colouring Stefano’s frenetic, jam-packed art,” revealed Meta’Desi comics founder, Akshay Dhar exclusively to AnimationXpress.com.

From its first pages which include a bunch of hippies getting thrashed by a robot wielding a giant shark, Love Me Like A Psycho Robot is a story full of love, bullets, blood and of course, very huge animals and weapons. It is a 60 page long comic with lots of designs, artwork and development sketches as bonus material at the back of the book.

Mostly, the comics produced by Meta Desi are not age-specific. That said, they aren’t children comics either; this latest comic is aimed at an audience spanning from 15-18 years upwards to pretty much any age. “I would not recommend all of them for kids, mostly because they are quite action heavy and while we have no gratuitous nudity and cheap-tricks to make our comics “mature”, some of the subject matter and themes are on the adult side,” added Akshay.

Mostly Meta’Desi comics are in the digital format but Love Me Like A Psycho will be available on paper.

“Like all of us who are writers or artists or creators of any kind, Stefano wanted to get his work out to a wider audience and as a fellow struggling creative, I understood that feeling. I’ve always wanted to expand the Indian comic scene and show it a new face. It has been very nice so far working with Stefano and his friends at BookMaker – which as it turns out was also like Meta’Desi, initially a collective of passionate creative people. Our partnership opens new doors to bring the very awesome and under-appreciated European comic scene in contact with the Indian readers more easily and this particular book seemed like a simple, fun package to open the door,” expounded Akshay.

This short tale of love and mayhem is the perfect place to discover Stefano Cardoselli’s work. Meta’Desi and BookMaker comics bring this utterly insane comics for readers, one that despite all its chaos and action still manages to find its heart and gives the kind of subtle story-telling  that people would not expect from an all-out action comic.

“While the readership is still relatively small compared to the long-established companies or western publishers, the response has been solid. At every convention, people see us and those that have read the earlier/existing comics are almost always positive and have not just enjoyed them, but actively want more and we are pushing as hard as we can to bring them out with as much regularity as we can manage,” ended Akshay.