‘Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood’ has a Gameplay Trailer now

Nacom has dropped a short one-minute gameplay trailer for Werewolf: The Apocyalpse – Earthblood. While not really expanding on any details, the trailer does give us glimpses of what we can expect from Werewolf: The Apocyalpse – Earthblood‘s gameplay.

With his former Caern in danger, Cahal must return to a land he once called home to protect his family and friends, no matter the cost. With the evil corporation Endron besieging them from every side, only you can fight the corruption taking root within your home, using the devastating power of the Werewolf to turn the tide.

The story follows Cahal, an eco-terrorist werewolf who has been banished from his werewolf tribe, and who fights against the Pentex corporation and the pollution it causes. The player, as Cahal, traverses areas in the American Northwest, and can shapeshift into a wolf, human or werewolf form to perform various tasks, such as exploration, conversation and combat.

Set the song Kai Tangata by Alien Weaponry, the trailer indicates that Earthblood might just be closer to a hack-and-slash game than an RPG.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood is an upcoming action role-playing video game developed by Cyanide and published by Nacon. It is set in the World of Darkness, and is based on White Wolf Publishing’s tabletop role-playing game Werewolf: The Apocalypse. The game is planned for release on 4 February 2021 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.