FCC filings by Microsoft hint towards new Xbox modifications?

When a German user named ekim spotted two individual and unspecified FCC filings by Microsoft on the popular gaming forum – NeoGAF, Xbox fans all over the globe went on an absolute speculation frenzy on a possible new Xbox revelation from Microsoft.

Xbox-One-Elite-BundleMicrosoft, head of Xbox, Phil Spencer had in the past indicated that hardware modifications would be coming quicker this year, adding even more fuel to the assumptions. It’s also true that hardware revisions are a pretty common thing in order to modify the versions to keep up the sales.

The Federal Communications Commission or FCC regulates and oversees any data transmission related devices in the USA which includes video game hardware too.

The two new filings: Models 1682 and 1683 have been filed by Microsoft with FCC. They have similar numberings of that of the wireless communications chip in the Xbox One.
It is also being said that it might be the Xbox One slim version, which was much talked about. If so, then this version might use the same manual as Xbox One.

1683 might as well be a refreshed Xbox One console because it refers to User Manual 1525, an item previously submitted to the FCC when the original Xbox One console and its very own wireless chip were filed.

Although the filings are labelled confidential, the privilege is set to expire by the end of June this year, just in time for Microsoft’s E3.

Does that further suggest the possibility of new Xbox modifications or a new console perhaps? Or it might just be simple hardware accessories under the numerical names of 1682 and 1683. Well, we will just have to wait and watch.