DC Comics announces genesis comic mini-series of ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’

DC Comics has announced a new six-issue comic book mini-series for Batman: Arkham Knight which will explore the origins of the game’s primary antagonist.

Rocksteady Studios has never opened up about the Arkham Knight. All we know is that he wears a ‘Dark Knight’ – inspired outfit – minus the cloak – with an Arkham symbol on his chest. We also see him teaming up with Scarecrow to bring chaos to the city of Gotham. Although the connection between him and Batman, is yet alien. The Arkham Knight has a mysterious vendetta against the Dark Knight and wants his head.

Batman: Arkham Knight – Genesis
will attempt to answer that question and more when it releases on 29 July. The series is written by Pete Tomasi and drawn by Alisson Borges, the same pair who have written the New 52 Batman reboot comics as well. What’s interesting to note is that Batman: Arkham Knight is scheduled for a release on 23 June for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Batman: Arkham Knight is a highly anticipated title of this year and Rocksteady has not held back when it came to designing the new streets on which players will be driving the Batmobile for the first time in the franchise.