A new Robert Kirkman’s comic ‘Die!Die!Die!’ now in stores

Die!Die!Die!Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment joined hands to release Die!Die!Die!. It is a new comic book series which is launched on 11 July.  The comic book is created by Robert Kirkman (Walking Dead) and Scott M. Gimple (Punisher: Nightmare), with art by the stellar talents of Batman Inc and Nameless art team Chris Burnham and Nathan Fairbairn.

The release of a comic book is typically announced months ahead of time to generate buzz, thus to enable comic retailers to preorder the comics for their stores. It is a surprise as to why Kirkman did not reveal the details in advance. To provide an explanation for the secrecy of the book till last minute, Kirkman said, “We want to make going to a comic shop exciting again—a place for discovery! The internet has drained all surprise and anticipation from comics. Everyone hears about exciting new projects and then has to wait months or years for it to be in their hands… and half the time at the end of that build-up, the stories get spoiled in some lame attempt at getting wider media attention. So, surprise! Here’s a new monthly series. How cool is that?! This is literally the only way I can be like Beyoncé.”

The target group for this comic book is adults as the content is mature and includes extreme violence. The story is described as blood-soaked, no holds barred, action-packed, and irreverent. The plot lifts the veil on a secret cabal within the US government that influences world matters through targeted assassination. It describes the world as manipulative and evil where people live to perform evil deeds all the time.

Visit the retailers for placing the order for this surprise comic.