Lightsabers and garbs return to ‘Fortnite’ in time of ‘Star Wars’ day

Some lightsabers from Star Wars are making a comeback to Fortnite just in time of 4 May, the Star Wars day. The lightsabers are returning for two weeks and they are ones wielded by Obi-Wan, Luke Skywalker, Max Windu and Kylo Ren. These weapons previously appeared in the Fortnite 2019 event that coincided with the release of Rise of Skywalker. 

With the lightsabers other Star Wars items are also returning like the outfits Imperial Stormtrooper, Zorii Bliss, Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn, Boba Fett, Krrsantan, Sith Trooper and Fennec Shand. Apart from weapons and garbs, the creators have introduced various Star Wars-related quests that are going to be active till 15 May. Upon completing five of those quests the user will earn a special Empire Banner.