VFX New trailer of 'The Batman' is spectacular -

New trailer of ‘The Batman’ is spectacular

Latest latest trailer for The Batman, dropped on Saturday at DC Fandome. Powerful visuals, acting and fight scenes make this film a treat to watch.  

“This version of Batman doesn’t have as much control over his personality. The delineation between when he’s Batman and when he’s Bruce is not so clear as other iterations. I kind of really like this idea it’s a little bit out of control. He hasn’t completely defined what Batman is, but he gets lost in it. Whenever he’s putting it on every night, he’s not sleeping, and he’s becoming this quite sort of odd creature,” says Actor Robert Pattison before the trailer starts.

Directed by Matt Reeves, the new movie is a fresh take on the classic comic, featuring a clutch of well-known villains. Paul Dano stars as the Riddler, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman and Colin Farrell shows up as crime boss the Penguin. Facing them are Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon and Andy Serkis as faithful butler Alfred.

The first trailer for this Batman movie was shown at last year’s Fandome, but the pandemic delayed the release date. The movie will beam into big screens and is not expected to come out on Warner Bros. streaming service HBO Max for at least 45 days after release.

The Batman is scheduled to come out on 4 March 2022.