VFX FrameFlow tapped by Sony Pictures Imageworks for Click effects -

FrameFlow tapped by Sony Pictures Imageworks for Click effects

Visual effects studio FrameFlow has announced the completion of its visual effects work for Sony Pictures Imageworks on the hit Columbia Pictures and Revolution Studios comedy release Click starring Adam Sandler.

FrameFlow’s US-based producers and its international staff of artists based in Chennai, India, worked directly with the VFX team at Imageworks to provide 3D tracking, wire removal, rotoscoping and compositing work on effects shots for the movie, which opened June 23rd.


In the life-altering comedy Click, Michael Newman (Adam Sandler), a busy architect who is trying to get ahead in the world, purchases a remote control that seems to not only let him control his TV set and stereo, but virtually his entire life. Sounds too good to be true. And it is, because soon the technologically sophisticated device is controlling Michael in ways he never imagined possible.


Most of FrameFlow’s shots involved replacement of the “stand-in” remote-control prop with a CG version, as well as cleanup and roto work. With a team of 40 digital artists and animators at its state-of-the-art Chennai facility, FrameFlow was able to deliver the shots quickly and efficiently.

“There were many visual effects shots involving the remote control that we wanted to get done as soon as possible, and we sought a partner that could accomplish that without compromising on the quality of the work,” said David Taritero, Senior VFX Producer, Sony Pictures Imageworks. “FrameFlow consistently proved that they could deliver high-caliber work and keep pace with our production schedule.”

“We are thrilled to support Imageworks on Click and other feature projects,” said Hitesh Shah, co-founder and CEO of FrameFlow. “Our mission at FrameFlow has been to partner with VFX houses to provide high quality effects services at compelling prices for work that might otherwise be turned away due to production constraints. Our work with Imageworks on Click is a perfect example of the win-win situation such partnering creates”

FrameFlow’s Creative Director Krishnakant Mishra, whose credentials include a number of other international projects including Lord of The Rings, the Return of the King, added, “India is at an important juncture in the international visual effects market. We have the opportunity to assert ourselves as a strategic ally with whom VFX facilities in the West can collaborate.”

Mishra noted “On Click, we spent many sleepless nights working on shots to ensure they were not only technically correct in execution, but aesthetically hit the mark as well. When the VFX team at Imageworks saw that we could deliver this kind of quality and still keep to the schedule, they started turning over more shots to us – even shots not originally scheduled for FrameFlow. This was a great validation of our capabilities.” Mishra’s team delivered the 137 shots, most of which were completed in a 3 month window.

FrameFlow attributes a good measure of its success on Click and numerous other projects currently under production to great creative execution coupled with strong production management discipline. “Creative and production management are the Yin and Yang of the VFX industry. They are essential halves of a whole, and our team clicks today – no pun intended because as a production facility, we recognize this dynamic”, notes Krishna.

“As we continue to grow, we are very conscious of the quality of the output we deliver, and to that end, our recruiting is very discriminating.”

New recruits at FrameFlow are put through extensive training and then required to “shadow” established artists on live projects for some time before they are put on a live project as a contributing team member.

Founded in 2003, FrameFlow, LLC delivers visual effects and animation services for film, TV and advertising projects internationally. Based in Atlanta and Los Angeles with a state-of-the-art production operation in Chennai, India, FrameFlow staffs a team of 40 visual effects artists and serves as a partner to production companies in the US, Canada and the UK. With clients including Sony Pictures Imageworks, The Orphanage, Cinesite UK among others.
