Admissions begin for the Animation Course at FTII

Among the many colleges offering courses in animation and graphics in India, is the prestigious Pune based Film and Television Institute of India.

The criterion for eligibility for the course is the completion of education till the higher secondary level. Knowledge of drawing is a must. Preference will be given to those candidates who have completed a diploma/degree in fine arts.

The course is divided into three semesters consisting of 22 weeks each. The first includes 2d drawing animation on paper using light box and animation peg bar and using a 2d animation software.

The second semester consists of software training of Adobe Premiere, ToonBoom, Flash, Opus and basics of 3dMax. Finally in the third semester, students work on advanced 3dMax, Maya and the compositing software, Combustion. Each semester is concluded with a project.

The one and a half year course begins in July. The entrance test for this year‘s batch will be held on 17th June ‘07. The interviews for candidates who have qualified in the written test have been scheduled for 19th June ‘07.

The application form can be downloaded from the institute‘s official website, or the prospectus can be asked for by paying a fee of Rs.1500. The form must be submitted online as per the instructions mentioned. The last date for the submission of the forms is 9th April ‘07.

The completed application forms should be mailed to the following address:

The Registrar,
Film and T.V. institute of India,
Law college road,
Reference davp advertisement number 0911(1)2006