VFX Resident Evil gets an animated reboot with CG3; set for 2017 release -

Resident Evil gets an animated reboot with CG3; set for 2017 release

‘Horror in animation’ or ‘Animation in horror’ is what defines Resident Evil animated series. And now a feature-length CGI animated film in the series is slated to release in 2017. Having hit the big screen with couple of movies in the past, the Resident Evil franchise has aimed to entertain the audience through the medium of horror. With two prior computer animated films Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008) and Damnation (2012), this third upcoming animated film has its plot under wraps.

Resident Evil

Japanese studio, Marza Animation Planet, will produce the animated movie Resident Evil CG 3 (working title) based on Capcom’s renowned videogame franchise Resident Evil. Scripted by Japanese animated series Psycho-Pass writer Makoto Fukami and directed by Takanori Tsujimoto, director of Hard Revenge Milly the Beginning, this movie surely will have a blend of animation effects to enhance the evil appearance of every character. And the plot too can be expected to be scary and full of suspense. In addition, The Gruge director Takashi Shimizu will oversee the production as executive producer and Capcom’s Hiroyuki Kobayashi, who produced the first two CGI films of the franchise, will return as the executive supervisor.

Moreover, a live-action sequel Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is already in the works and will be distributed domestically by Screen Gems in January 2017. However, much more is expected of this animated series as Marza Animation will add its own effects to bring out the evil vividly in the characters and also improvise the stunts using CGI. With such masterminds working on the film and Resident Evil franchise having a legacy to unfold cutting edge horror, this upcoming animated film can be expected to send a chill down the spine of the viewers.