Nickelodeon’s new original action-comedy series, titled Ollie’s Pack is slated to premiere on 6 April. Produced by Nelvana, the 26-episode, 2D-animated series centres on Ollie, his best friends and his backpack, combining the struggles of tween life with the responsibility of controlling an entire dimension of monsters.
The series stars James Hartnett (Cupcake & Dino) as Ollie, an ordinary, impulsive, and creative kid; Ana Sani (Mysticons) as Cleo, the brave and adventurous comic relief; and David Berni (Rocket Monkeys) as Bernie, the nervy and logical voice of reason.
Ollie’s Pack is based on Monster Pack, an original short made for Nickelodeon’s 2013 animated shorts program. Creators, Pedro Eboli (Cupcake & Dino) and Graham Peterson (Rick & Morty), met at the Vancouver Film School and have been friends for over 10 years. Eboli is a creator, producer, director and animator from Rio de Janeiro, while Graham is an animation supervisor and instructor at local and overseas studios.
A pre-released episode is currently available on the Nick App and Nick On Demand, and will be available on YouTube starting 4 April. The series is slated to debut internationally later this year, reaching over 170 countries and territories.