VFX SPAC3: Third Paradise by Italian Artist Michelangelo Pistoletto is now the worldwide symbol of VITA -

SPAC3: Third Paradise by Italian Artist Michelangelo Pistoletto is now the worldwide symbol of VITA

A long journey that began on 28 July has adopted the symbol of the Third Paradise as the worldwide symbol of “VITA”. It is the third long-term mission of Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli in collaboration with ASI (Italian Space Agency), ESA (European Space Agency), RAM (radioartemobile) and Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation.

This project aims to engage the whole world into communicating and sharing the work’s meaning and mission. Pictures by Paolo Nespoli will be made accessible to web users through the ‘Space Three’ app – SPAC3 which is an easy-to-use application developed by ESA with RAM in collaboration with ASI and CittadellarteFondazione Pistoletto. It will be available for IOS and Android smartphones.

Following the proposed themes, the users will have the possibility to combine the space photos by Paolo Nespoli with the earth images by the user within the symbol of the Third Paradise.

The images generated with this combination were once shared across several social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and will be displayed in a large, interactive mosaic using the shape of the Third Paradise. This will enable everybody in the world to partake in this unique, dynamic social artwork.