Marvel drops five new amazing posters of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

It’s exactly 30 days from today before Marvel signals an all-out war between the Avengers and power mongrel Thanos, and the studio is pulling no punches in its attempt to keep fanning the frenzy.

Marvel and Walt Disney pulled out yet more surprises for its fans today as they jointly release five new and stunning posters for the movie which sees the earth’s mightiest heroes share the limelight. Illuminated by a colour that each represents an infinity stone, the teaser posters have the Avengers’ iconic initial radiating those colours as our beloved heroes flank it with startling stills.

Featuring as many as 23 heroes in all, Ant-Man and the Hawkeye are conspicuous by their absence yet again while the one pertinent colour missing from these posters is that of the soul stone, the one infinity gem that hasn’t appeared on screen in the MCU so far and its whereabouts remain universally obscure.

Infinity War marks the culmination of 10 years of the MCU and the makers are well on song to ensure the build-up to its release gathers just enough steam to keep the excitement brewing.

Based on Marvel comics, Avengers: Infinity War is directed by Joe and Anthony Russo and opens in theatres on 27 April 2018.