VFX This new French animated show is based on biology and animals

Dandelooo to distribute 2D animated show ‘The Super Heroes of Nature’

The Super Heroes of Nature

A new animation show will talk about biodiversity and environment.

The Super Heroes of Nature (30 x 3’) is a hybrid 2D animation series targeted at kids aged four to 10 and families. It is co-produced by French animation companies Moonworks Productions and Amopix Studios, and distributed by Dandelooo.

Using metaphors and references to popular culture, the series takes a poetic and humorous look at biodiversity. It offers a playful introduction to biology, with each episode built around an animal or an organism and its environment, approaching a particular biological notion such as animal intelligence, social behaviour, reproduction, and the roles of the cells or the immune system. The show relies on scientific information and discoveries made by international researchers. It aims to contribute to changing the way we look at life.

The Super Heroes of Nature is written by Charlotte Schmidt, Emmanuelle Pouydebat and Nicolas Bazeille and set for delivery in December 2023. It has already been pre-sold to TV5 Monde, RTS, Télé-Québec, Arte Editions, Universcience, Le Vaisseau and Noozy.