‘Bambi’ will be Disney’s next live-action remake

Disney is developing a lifelike remake of its 1942 animated feature Bambi. Geneva Robertson-Dworet (Captain Marvel, Tomb Raider) and Lindsey Beer (Sierra Burgess Is a Loser, Chaos Walking) will write screenplay. Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz and Andrew Miano will produce under the banner of Depth of Field.

Bambi will roam in a digitally created photorealistic forest and interact with animals that have been brought to live action cinema via a hard-drive not a soundstage.

The Hollywood Reporter, however, reports that the studio is aware of the less weighty plot of Bambi and is not aiming to shoehorn a larger narrative onto the classic tale. The 1942 film was adapted from the 1923 novel Bambi, a Life in the Woods by Felix Salten.

Looking at the success of previous year’s Lion King and Aladdin which made huge at the box office, Disney’s list of live-action remake only continues to grow. Mulan will be coming out in March and a Cruella De Vil movie is coming next year. Other films on the remake slate include The Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.