VFX The Young Scientists Comics now available in India -

The Young Scientists Comics now available in India

In a world riddled with audio visual entertainment being bombarded 24/7, through multiple platforms, reading as a habit is rare these days. Even rarer is finding an aptitude for science in today‘s young ones.

Looking to fill that lacuna, Chennai based The Young Scientists, a subsidiary of the Singapore based company by the same name has announced the availability of science and education based comics in India.

With content and illustrations being created across both the India and Singapore development centers, the comics according to the publishers is doing good business globally. (In the range of a 100, 000 comics in a month).

Speaking to AnimationXpress.com The Young Scientists‘ Vice-President Balamurugan shared, “At The Young Scientists, our mission is to communicate basic elements and concepts of science to young children. We do it in a colorful, conversational and comic style that is enjoyable and simple. It inculcates scientific temper, fosters reasoning behind the observed day-to-day natural phenomena and ignites the spark of curiosity and creativity at an early age. Instead of compiling detailed factual answers in large “One Size Fits All” expensive encyclopedia volumes, we believe in a different approach to build the next Bio-Info-Nano Technology Generation”

Targeted at kids aged 5-13, the comics which are themed around Science, Mathematics and Nature are presently available only in English and are priced at Rs 60/. The comics are distributed by Live Media Distributors in Chennai and CAN in Delhi through bookshops and stalls. They are also looking for more agents across India.

Sharing more about the launching of these educational comics in India, Balamurugan said “Our motive is to create a next generation which aims beyond just outsourcing. In future, India needs more innovation and creativity in all walks of life to compete in a global market. Our comics instill that spark of creativity at an early age due to our unique presentation style. Though the general theme revolves around science, we also include stories about great scientists, science fiction, in context help with English vocabulary, brain teasers, experiments and activities to inspire innovation. Children who subscribe eagerly look forward to it every month. It can also be a useful teaching aid for teachers”

The publisher will be releasing 30000 plus copies per issue for next six months and is also in the process of tying up with schools and educational establishments from next academic year.
