VFX Animaster conducts Animation seminar in Chandigarh -

Animaster conducts Animation seminar in Chandigarh

Animaster, an animation centre that introduced Canadian training to Chandigarh in association with The Animation Society of India (TASI) conducted a seminar on animation at Chandigarh on the 17th May which was attended by more than 200 students in the city.

Speakers at the seminar include Prosenjit Ganguly, NID, Santosh Sawanth, Creative Director Phoebus, Anand Gurnani, CEO, Animationxpress, Shripankh.S.Patil, Senior 2D/3D Animation & Layout Artist, Balakrishna Maddur, MD, Mediatech and Akshaya, Senior Manager, Animaster.

The future of the animation industry in the current world scenario was illustrated by top animation experts. The ones who participated in the seminar include veteran animators, industry gurus, representatives from TASI, and in-house experts from Animaster and the animation varsity.

Topics under discussion during the event were the art of story telling, intellectual property creation, production studio’s working process, what to look for in animation education and industry insights as well as animation as a career.

Speaking in the seminar, National Institute of Design alumnus and former member of the Faculty Prosenjit Ganguly said, “There is a beauty in the art of story telling. We need to work on it in order to make sure that it does not get carried away by the availability or the unavailability of a certain technology. One should not imitate stories and should try to get original ideas by interacting more. The characters are the main drivers of any story and hence one should take a deeper look at them.”

Talking to AnimationXpress.com, Phoebus, Creative Director Santosh Sawanth shared “My speech was about IP development and also most studios in Mumbai are very keen on IP development these days.”

“The students who attended the seminar were very excited and I helped them by explaining the complete process of how to make a film, starting from pre-production till post production. The seminar was well arranged by Animaster and there was also increase in the audience count in the later half of the seminar” he added.

Talking about the seminar, Anand Gurnani shared “I was impressed with the effort from Animaster, Chandigarh that the organizers actually invited five carefully selected speakers in order to be able to give more to the audience that attended. I personally liked Prosenjit Ganguly‘s and Santosh Sawant‘s session a lot, they were truly enriching”

“I gave an Industry overview with a detailed presentation and at AnimationXpress.com as news, information and knowledge keepers of the Industry; I feel that it is our job and duty to share the correct, in-depth and precise information about the industry wherever we can. And we work along with Industry bodies, organizations, educational establishments, just doing that, giving a detailed and holistic picture of the Industry.”

He adds, “Some of the questions asked by the audience were very interesting as well”.
