Rainbow Media working on 3D animated movie

Bangalore based animation studio, Rainbow Media Pvt. Ltd. has its eyes set on the big screen with its movie ‘Ants Wedding’ which it is currently working on.

To begin with, the studio has readied a two minute scratch film titled ‘A Token of Love’ The scratch film made at a budget of Rs 500,000 with a 10 member strong team boasts of high quality 3D imagery as well as highly interesting character design and backgrounds.

Emphasising on how it was important to try out feature film concepts by producing short film versions first, Rainbow CEO Venkat shared with Animation Xpress.com, “The learning curve involved in doing ‘A Token of Love’ has made the team confident and capable of taking on bigger challenges”

Talking about technical challenges faced while creating ‘A Token of Love’ Venkat shared, “Giving the appropriate facial expressions was the biggest technical challenge that we faced”

The success of Hanuman has spurred a spate of 3D films being announced by studios across the country and studios are currently in an inspired frame of mind. “Our final aim is to make our own 3D Animated feature for the big screen and we are currently working on developing our theatrical project” shared Venkat, adding “We are looking to collaborate with like minded players and are on the lookout for strategic investors as well’
