Sony PlayStation online store hacked by Lizard Squad

Hacker group Lizard Squad which previously hacked into Sony’s PlayStation Network in August and Xbox Live last week has struck again. Lizard Squad has claimed responsibility for the recent outage of the PlayStation online store, which has a message for the visitors – “Page Not Found! It’s not you. It’s internet’s fault.”

The hacker group announced its deed via Twitter.

Sony has acknowledged the problem, posting a message on the PlayStation Twitter account that says it’s working to restore the service.

The incident comes after the company’s movie studio Sony Pictures’ computers were hacked last month resulting in the leak of many movies from the studio and confidential information as actor’s salaries.

The hacker group had said that its Xbox attack was just ‘a small dose’ of what was to come over the Christmas season.

Earlier this year, Lizard Squad also warned that explosives might be on a flight that included a Sony executive among its passengers and claimed responsibility for a disruption to the PlayStation network. American Airlines diverted the domestic US flight to a nearby airport.