VAM Master class : Krishnakant Mishra Post Production -

Master class : Krishnakant Mishra Post Production

Frameflow Director Krishnakant Mishra

The earnest and passionate COO of Frameflow India, Krishnakant Mishra has always been very vocal about the need for improving the quality of our work in every aspect. In an insightful mastercalss on post production Krishnakant took the audience through the various stages involved in Post Production.

His engaging presentation which was aided with quite a few impressive visuals is listed in a point by point manner below.

-Travelling mattes
wallion process

1933 – The invisible man

Blue Screens
Color separation process
Color difference process

Hand drawn mattes

Optical Printing

Digital Compositing

a* Scanning of negatives
(Film which is shot is scanned using a high res 2k or 4k scanner. The files are in 10 bit depth log files)

b*Digital Mattes
(Digital matte creation is also refered to as keying. Green, Blue or Red screen is used as the background to shoot the foreground element)

c* Compositing
Merging of the different shots and CG elements into a seamless frame is called compositing. This art is very rare and not understand it well.

d*Digital Image Manipulation

e*Color Contrast

Shift focus between layers and other elemenst is possible

g*Lens distortion
Each frame in every film has some or the other distortion due to the lens. Wider the lens, more the distortion.

Matching motion of one element as per the motion of some other element. Now even getting camera details from a shot frame is possible and in 3D element will blend in seamlessly with the environment

Wire, dust, scratch, grain, unwanted shadows and objects

j*Crowd Replication


1.Foreground Miniature
2. Cityscapes and Landscapes
3. Battleships and Seascapes
4. Aircrafts & Spaceships


Digital set creation, background extensions, etc
Objects and Particles creation

Matte Painting
Digital Matte Painting
3D sets rendered and enhanced – various different images used and made to look real

– Puppetry
– Models and creatures controlled
– 3D models and their vast possibilities

Jar Jar Binks, Yoda and Gollum

3D Modelling
Sets, Characters, Environment etc

Proper realistic textures, extremely high res

HDRI, GI, Radiosity (Bouncing of light)

Interacting with live action


Grain Pattern, Contrast correction

Post Production

– Editing
– Scanning of the film
– VFX to be added
– Recording back to film

Our Focus
VFX – Movies
Animation – Movies
Animation – TV Serials
VFX for series
VFX for digital
animation for game cinematics

What it takes
-Apt capital investment
– Right man power
– Zeal to prove ourselves
– Zeal to excel
– Zeal to deliver