A brief behind-the-scenes trailer of The Suicide Squad, directed by James Gunn, was shared at DC Fandome, a virtual event organised by DC Comics and Warner Bros. The Guardians of Galaxy director’s upcoming Suicide Squad has been described as a 1970s gritty war movie.
Here is what everyone in The Suicide Squad is playing. Viola Davis, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, and Jai Courtney return in their roles of Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag and Captain Boomerang respectively.
The new characters include Bloodsport, Peacemaker, The Thinker, Blackguard, Polka-Dot Man, Savant, Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, Ratcatcher, King Shark, Weasel, The Javelin and others played by Idris Elba, John Sena, Peter Capaldi, David Dastmalchian, Michael Rooker, Nathan Fillion, Daniela Melchior, Steve Agee, Sean Gunn and Flula Borg, respectively.
Gunn promises that The Suicide Squad is going to be different from any superhero movie ever made and also that it is by far the biggest movie he has worked on.
The director also used the virtual event to confirm the identities of the characters being played by each of the cast members, with a “roll call” video.
While many fans were hoping for a trailer reveal, the director released a montage of the behind-the-scenes footage — teasing not just the characters but also the plot of the movie.
In the clip, it was confirmed that John Cena plays the Pacemaker while Idris Elba essays the role of Bloodsport.