VFX Adobe India Kick-starts Multi-city Roadshow to promote Adobe Creative Suit 6 -

Adobe India Kick-starts Multi-city Roadshow to promote Adobe Creative Suit 6

Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) the global leader in digital marketing and digital media solutions,  has announced multi-city roadshows to  reach out to the larger creative community with its recently launched Adobe Creative Suite 6. The first of the three roadshows was organized at the Jamshed Bhabha Theatre in Mumbai today.

The Mumbai roadshow witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 1200 creative professionals, including design and print digital imaging professionals, cross-media designers, web developers, videographers and VFX artists. The roadshow was addressed by evangelists from Adobe Systems- Paul Burnett, APAC Evangelist, Creative Solutions; Michael Stoddart, APAC Evangelist, Creative Solutions and Karl Soule, APAC Evangelist, Adobe Video Solutions- who showcased an armory of spectacular new features of Adobe Creative Suite 6 that helps re-define and transform the creative processes.

“We are glad to kick-start the Adobe Creative Suite 6 roadshow in Mumbai, the commercial and entertainment capital of India and are excited about the astounding response we have received from the attendees here. We are bullish about the latest enhancements in Creative Suite 6 that will help fuel the next wave of growth for India’s creative economy. It is a major new release of Adobe’s creative desktop tools, with huge improvements for every type of creative professional” said Srihari Palangala, Country Marketing Manager, Adobe Systems

Adobe Creative Suite 6 is the ultimate toolkit for design, web and video professionals and includes 14 CS6 applications and four Creative Suites – Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium, Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard, Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium; and Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection. This latest release is poised to provide impetus to India’s creative economy as Adobe InDesign® CS6 software offers out of the box support for ten Indian languages-Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Telugu, Oriya, Malayalam, and Kannada. Publishers will now be able to seamlessly work in these regional languages without the need of additional plug-ins. This will have a significant impact on India’s booming regional print publishing industry that is growing by leaps and bounds.

Pricing and Availability
Adobe Creative Suite 6 products are scheduled to be available through Adobe Authorised Resellers and the Adobe Online Store at http://shop.adobe.com/in. The estimated street prices (ESP) for the Creative Suite products are expected to be INR 1,56,577 for CS6 Master Collection, INR 1,14,421 for CS6 Design and Web Premium, INR 1,14,421  for CS6 Production Premium  and INR 78,288 for CS6 Design Standard. Upgrade pricing and volume licensing are available. Taxes as applicable.

Education pricing for students, faculty and staff in K-12 and higher education is available from Adobe Authorized Education Resellers. For more information regarding education volume licensing for higher education and K-12 institutions please visit: http://www.adobe.com/in/education.html

For more detailed information about features, OS support, upgrade policies, pricing and international versions please visit:



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