VFX Russian Animation Archives -

Russian animated projects are in demand in UAE markets

At the DICM 2022, animation was presented by Russian companies including SMF Animation, Riki Group, Parovoz…

Russian animation enters the Middle East and North African television market

From 17-19 May, Dubai will host the DISCOP Dubai television content market, an industrial platform that…

Kids animated series ‘Leo & Tig’ launch their own YouTube channel

The Leo & Tig animated series, created by Parovoz Studio and commissioned by Digital Television Russia…

Russian animation, post-production, film and TV companies head to ATF Online+

The international television forum and the largest audiovisual content market in Asia, Asia TV Forum &…

Wizart Animation releases the trailer and a new poster for ‘The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands’

The latest animated feature from Wizart Animation, The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands gets a trailer and a…