The second season of the animated series Krish, Trish and Baltiboy: Bharat Hain Hum was launched…
‘Little Singham Bahubali Friends – Rise of Aparshatru’ 3D film appreciated at IFFI, Goa
3D animated tele-film Little Singham Bahubali Friends – Rise of Aparshatru received appreciation at the recently held International…
India/Singapore film-TV project markets partner to advance co-production
On the final day of the NFDC Film Bazaar held alongside the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), a new…
Prime Video session at IFFI highlighted VFX in modern filmmaking with examples from ‘Mumbai Dairies’
Prime Video conducted a session on how VFX technology is an emerging and rapidly evolving avenue of…
We are entering the golden age of VR films, says VR filmmaker Clyde Desouza
The wait is over and the time has come. The VR industry has been around for…