Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #20 Feature animation

Since Disney’s The Lion King was produced in 1994, feature animation production has exploded around the…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #19 Sight gags

Visual comedy is often called sight gags. A dignified man’s pants falling down is a sight…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #18 How to write funny stuff

Why did the animated chicken cross the road? Because there was a big truck coming and…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #17 Assuming the point of view of your audience

This is going to be my shortest post yet. But probably the most important. One of…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #16 Writing Dialogue

Good dialogue is harder to write than good description. Once you figure out how a scene…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #15 Pacing

Pacing is the speed at which a scene or story plays out. You could also call…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #14 Continuity

Continuity means an uninterrupted succession or flow; a coherent whole. In script writing, it means that…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #13 The importance of communication

Now might be a good time to go over the subject of communication. But what exactly…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #12 The writer’s bookshelf

I want to take a step back from these How to Write for Animation posts to…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #11 How to write description

There are two basic elements in every script: description and dialogue. This post will focus on…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #10 How to (and NOT to) edit your writing

No one writes a perfect script from page one. Many writers write a scene, then go…

Guest Column ‘HTWFA’ | #9 How long should your scenes be?

One of the best ways to make sure you don’t waste time (and money if you’re…