VAM DC Comics Archives - Page 13 of 13 -

Legendary comics writer and editor Len Wein passes away

The comics fraternity drowned in a sea of sorrow as award-winning comic writer and editor Len…

‘Suicide Squad 2’ to finally commence as Gavin O’Connor appointed as writer-director

After long episodes of scepticism and negotiation farrago within the production, the makers of Suicide Squad…

Director Sandberg confirms first ever movie of DC’s Shazam through Instagram

The DC Extended Universe has already set their sights on the next set of superheroes under…

Aquaman production in full swing as Zack Snyder reveals new set photo

Justice League director Zack Snyder is enterprising. Although his next outing is still streets away from…

The ‘Justice League’ strike a new pose in the latest poster, but Superman still missing

As the world awaits the Justice League with bated breath, here’s a new piece of crumb…

The Flash to don a new costume in the upcoming season four

The world’s fastest feet are getting ready to slalom past the towering skyscrapers of Central City…