CBAM Summit: Cosplay going forward!

While the coronavirus pandemic has seen a surge in consumption of content even in the ACGC…

Cosplayer Sameer Bundela adds another feather to his cap

Cosplayer Sameer Bundela brings home another trophy after winning the second place at the cosplay competition…

Cosplay artist Medha Srivastava gets featured in Creative Gaga

Creative Gaga is the biggest magazine in in the truest senseh features artists. They have come…

Cosplayer Medha Srivastava showed her love for ‘Star Wars’ on may the fourth

Star Wars Day was just celebrated couple of days ago. May Fourth’ sounds similar to ‘May…

Comic Con’s Spider-Man Nite in Delhi rocks; attracts 500 fans

Comic Con India hosted country’s first ever and the most epic Spider-Man Fan Night to celebrate…