ZED unveils three new inspiring science projects at Sunny Side of the Doc 2020

Paris-based distributor and producer, ZED is attending the connected edition of the Sunny Side of the Doc, and will launch three new science projects, with a special focus on environmental issues. These are :

Genius Plants

This revolves around plants and their spectacular machinery which allows them to catapult pollen, sweat tannin and release flammable gasses, to their complex vascular system. This two-part film that also takes help of animation, will reveal the inner workings of flowers and trees. A revolutionary and immersive experience from plants’ perspective on survival, adaptation and evolution – thanks to the leading edge of technology. 

Genius Plants © Thierry Berrod_MONA LISA PRODUCTION 2020

This 2×52’ 4K documentary by Thierry Berrod is produced by Mona Lisa Production for ARTE France, and will be delivered in Spring 2022. 

Climate Change: The Brain Paradox 

We have never been so aware of the risk of collapse due to climate change. And yet, it seems we are unable to make the collective change the situation seems to demand. With a comprehensible approach, through eye-opening experiences and the latest advances in neuroscience, this investigation explores how our brain’s biases prevent climate action, and how we might overcome them. 

Directed by Raphaël Hitier, and produced by Un Film à la patte for ARTE France, this 52’ 4K is slated for completion in Summer 2021. 

Micro-organisms: The Air We Breathe

Micro-organisms-The Air We Breathe

Human beings are concerned about the quality of the air we breathe. But we are far from imagining what is above our head: the sky we thought we knew is actually home to a microscopic yet full-of-life world. Bacteria, viruses, but also fungus spores, algae, pollen, and even insects… How do they survive? What is their influence on our lives? 

With help of experts and using 3D visual effects, this 52’ 4K directed by Claire-Julie Parisot and produced by Les Films en Vrac for ARTE France, reveals the diversity and fragility of the air. Its delivery is scheduled for the End of 2020. 

Talking about these projects, ZED head of distribution Chloé Persyn-Preljocaj said, “The audience is hungrier than ever for surprising and uplifting science, environment and social change-themed stories that help us make sense of our new world. And these three projects tackle those topics through innovative angles.”