VAM YouTube offers 360 degree videos on web and mobile -

YouTube offers 360 degree videos on web and mobile

Google’s streaming video service now serves videos that let you look in any direction—not just where the camera is pointing. YouTube is now supporting 360-degree videos for Chrome and Android and will reach the remaining platforms in future. Changes in the UI of the app will also be rolling out in sometime.

Users can watch the videos on the Android handset by turning, rotating it in various angles in 360-degree videos. The same can be also done on the YouTube website by clicking the mouse on the video and dragging to the desired angle.

Google recommends few spherical cameras from certain companies that support the 360-degree video and are compatible with YouTube for creating content for the 360-degree videos. Cameras recommended by YouTube on the Creator’s blog are Giroptic’s 360cam, IC Real Tech’s Allie, Bublcam, Ricoh Theta and Kodak’s SP360. Also, the 360-degree YouTube video quality can go up to 4k resolution using the recommended cameras.

Samsung was one of the first ones to come up with Samsung Milk VR, an app to support its Gear VR and bring 360-degree video content to its users.

This new 360-degree feature is aimed more at action sports rather than concert enthusiasts. Google is also tying it up with Street View so that people can view geotagged 360-degree videos when browsing Google Maps.