VFX Xsolla to conduct virtual Game Developers Carnival after cancellation of events due to coronavirus outbreak

Xsolla to conduct virtual Game Developers Carnival after cancellation of events due to coronavirus outbreak

The coronavirus outbreak has more or less hampered business growth as various events are cancelled to prevent the spread of infection. Xsolla, the video game business engine that helps developers and publishers launch and operate games globally, has announced virtual gaming experience – Game Developers Carnival. The technology-driven Game Developers Carnival is a virtual industry event will take place in Your World, a sandbox PC game, from 20 April to 21 April 2020 with the goal of providing a fun, interactive setting for individuals and companies to connect and conduct business. An optional early adopter GDC Relief Fund pack will also be offered, with all proceeds going to the fund that was set up to offset costs lost by indie developers with the postponement of the GDC 2020 show originally scheduled from 16 March to 20 March in San Francisco.

“With the numerous industry event cancellations, Xsolla wanted to help the developer/publisher community by creating the first Game Developers Carnival as a technology-driven alternative to empower individuals and companies to safely and effectively do business, in the most meta way possible. We invite all video game professionals worldwide to be a part of the Carnival, whether you’re an artist, programmer, in marketing or business development…come one, come all,” said Xsolla CEO Alexander Agapitov.

Game Developer Carnival will take place via Your World, which will allow users to build detailed 3D booths to show off their games and products, as well as mini-games and theme park simulations with exciting and competitive gameplay features. Participating developers can construct virtual booths from pre-made templates or enlist digital artists to create custom booth designs. Booths will be loaded into a virtual world where developers can engage attendees as exhibitors, host meetings, answer questions, collect resumes and more. Xsolla is partnering with matchmaking service MeetToMatch to enable participants to set up meetings using their expert scheduling platform.

To participate in Game Developers Carnival, visit their official site in addition to that the first 20 companies to sign up will receive a complimentary booth designed by a professional 3D artist.