WWE’s Rater R superstar Edge to play Atom-Smasher in ‘The Flash’ season 2

The upcoming, second season of The CW’s The Flash will feature former WWE Superstar The Flash as Atom-Smasher.

He will appear in the season premiere, and is currently filming, and contrary to what the name might suggest, he’s not on the good guys’ side.

According to CW, Atom-Smasher will be one of the most powerful enemies The Flash will encounter this season, he has come to Central City to kill The Flash.  His incredible strength and ability to grow to enormous size makes him more than a match for Flash and the entire S.T.A.R. Labs team will have to come together to find a way to defeat him.

In the comics, Atom-Smasher is a hero. Al Rothstein, grandson to the villain Cyclotron, is godson to Al Pratt, the Golden Age hero known as The Atom before Ray Palmer took on the name. Prior to becoming Atom-Smasher, Rothstein operated as Nuklon.

The Flash returns to Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm on The CW in October.
