#WhenAtHome: Diving into the imagery of the Walt Disney masterpiece

How is the lockdown treating you? — Almost all of us must have at least once been subjected to this pandemic-specific greeting from loved ones. Restrictions have weighed us down in a variety of ways. However given the recent developments, this hackneyed question needs to be toppled on its head. The question should instead be  —How are you treating this lockdown? It’s not all doom and gloom if you look at the bright side of it. For the VFX-artists and animators, this is the time you get to reassess your skills and learn new techniques. It’s time to see treat this lockdown as — an opportunity to grow and learn. 

Norman Rockwell Museum Presents “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ...

“A Walt Disney masterpiece with a villain that makes Darth Vader look like a pussycat!” – Visual Effects Supervisor Harrison Ellenshaw

As the world battles Covid-19, the lockdown restrictions have led many organisations to understand the plight of the people and make entertaiment as well educational freely available.

VES Society’s initiative – VFX Pros: Home Edition is offering a starry set of webcast episodes featuring the best of the best in the VFX industry speaking about the challenges and techniques in regards to the big-ticket Hollywood projects they worked on. 

— The Visual Effects Society is a professional global honorary society dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences and applications of visual effects and to upholding the highest standards and procedures for the visual effects profession. It is the entertainment industry’s only official organization representing the extended global community of visual effects practitioners, including supervisors, artists, producers, technology developers, educators and studio executives. VES’ more than 4,000 members in 40 countries worldwide contribute to all areas of entertainment – film, television, commercials, animation, music videos, games, new media and special venues.

Featuring an exclusive conversation with award-winning matte artist and visual effects supervisor Harrison Ellenshaw, VES about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) — one of the classic titles on the VES 70: The Most Influential Visual Effects Films of All Time, this session is all set to broaden the perspective and educate folks about variety of nuances that embody this classic imagery. 

They shared, “Get ready for another episode of VFX Pros: Home Edition! Today we’re featuring an exclusive conversation with award-winning matte artist and visual effects supervisor Harrison Ellenshaw, VES, on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) — one of the titles on the VES 70: The Most Influential Visual Effects Films of All Time.”

Elaborating on the session, they further stated, “The animated musical fantasy film was the first full-length cel animated feature film and the earliest Disney animated feature film. You know the story of Snow White – the magic mirror, seven dwarfs, evil queen, the poison apple and true love’s kiss. Harrison takes a closer look and shares his personal tales and professional insights into the film”

From the film’s pioneering use of a multiplane camera and how Disney himself “sold” the idea of people sitting still for a 90-minute cartoon…to Harrison’s full circle journey from a young ride operator at Disneyland to supervising the Kodak/Cinesite 4K restoration of the film in the early 1990’s….to the enduring power and legacy of classic films – it’s all in here. Watch the interview and get enchanted all over again.