Weta Digital releases Avengers Endgame VFX breakdown, drops podcast on Harley Quinn’s Hyena

Visual Effects Industry has been evading the lowering effects of the Coronavirus Lockdown by conducting operations from home and majority of them have found success with their remote pipelines. Thanks to modern technology, post production is possible from a remote location quite simply in 2020. Another phenomenon that has been seen across VFX community is the releasing of VFX breakdowns of our favourite movies and shows.

Apart from Avengers Endgame VFX breakfown, they also shared how they brought Harley Quinn’s Hyena that was featured in the movie Bird of Prey to life in an all-new podcast.

Hardly any movie enthusiast can claim to have escaped the magnificence and majesty of Avengers Endgame which marked a historic crossover blockbuster and became one of the contenders in the Oscars VFX category too. Recently Weta Digital released the breakdown clip to treat fans with the process of casting spells on the beloved visual extravaganza.

  • The fourth instalment in the Avengers saga is the culmination of 22 interconnected films and has drawn audiences to witness the turning point of this epic journey. See how we created the third act battle, which features almost every hero in the MCU, and showcases the craft and spectacle audiences have loved throughout this extraordinary run of films. – Weta Digital

Weta Digital, one of the VFX studios that worked on the project recently shared the VFX breakdown of the mammoth spectacle that wowed the viewers recently. Weta Digital was responsible for the climactic final battle that plays out in the rubble of the Avenger’s compound. Their work features the biggest-ever battle in the MCU with almost every hero and villain unleashing their full potential.

Apart from that, they also shared how they brought Harley Quinn’s Hyena that was featured in the movie Bird of Prey to life in an all-new podcast.

With substantial amount of CG layers draped on a lovely German Shepard, beloved Hyena was brought to life. Why not the real one, you ask? Well. As it happens, the team exhausted their efforts to make a real hyena act. The crew initially partnered up with some animal trainers that actually had a hyena which is where they learned how dangerous it would be to actually have on set.

We are thrilled to learn about the VFX intricacies that weaved together such incredible and heartwarming images on celluloid.