Unravelling the visual concoction of Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ through the previs prespective

We recently covered a session by Faraz Hameed at the GAFX 2017 in Bengaluru and it provided us with some great insights on how crucial previs can be for a feature. Citing the example of Marvel’s Doctor Strange, Hameed showcased how the scenes for the visually-trippy feature were thought of.

We got in touch with The Third Floor, the studio which worked on the previs for Doctor Strange and they provided with some of the images which were conjured during the previs process.

You can actually refer the images below with actual shots from the feature. It’s pretty surreal how some of these scenes were conceptualised and then brought to life.

Detailed previs by The Third Floor, led by Faraz Hameed with artists in London and Los Angeles led by Faraz Hameed, covered most scenes in the the film and was used to visualise story, flow of action and visual looks.  Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesy of The Third Floor, Inc.
“Impossible” action, like the forwards and reversing fight sequence in Hong Kong, was visualised in previs with techvis schematics and tests produced to assist with creative and technical planning. Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesy of The Third Floor, Inc.
Previs by The Third Floor for the New York Chase sequence included representing the look and physics of a foldingcity.Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesyof The Third Floor, Inc
The previs team worked with reference material from mathematics to fractals to help develop the film’s unique visual landscapes. Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesy of The Third Floor, Inc.
Final imagery with finished visual effects by ILM. Image copyright and courtesy Marvel 2016.
Postvis artists from The Third Floor worked from raw plates, adding backdrops or CG elements to help advance shots through visual effects and editorial. Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesy of The Third Floor, Inc.
Via postvis, green screen backdrops were replaced with CG environments to give the filmmakers and editors a better sense of the shot as it progressed. Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesy of The Third Floor, Inc
Final shot with final effects by ILM. Image copyright and courtesy of Marvel 2016.
The Third Floor completed shot-by-shot techvis to help map camera setups and shooting plans for action and stunts. Image copyright Marvel 2016 and courtesy of The Third Floor, Inc.