Toonz and UK’s Giffi to co-produce animated content based on Ruskin Bond’s stories

L to R: Ruskin Bond, Prabit Nair and P. Jayakumar

India’s Toonz Media Group and London-based Giffi will co-produce and co-distribute animated series Adventures of Rusty based on the stories by Indian author Ruskin Bond.

Based on Bond’s enchanting and heart-warming stories about Rusty, a lonely young Anglo-Indian boy, the 52×7” animated series will establish the literary adaptation as a global brand. The deal also includes creating and merchandising consumer products based on the characters in Adventures of Rusty.

“It is truly a delightful journey to see my stories come to life through animation,” said Bond. “The thought of reaching a new generation of readers and viewers through this medium is both exciting and humbling. I hope this adaptation captures the essence of my storytelling and brings joy to audiences worldwide.”

The author’s grandson Siddharth Bond said, “I am delighted to bring my grandfather’s beloved stories to a new generation through animation. This initiative aims to capture the magic of Ruskin Bond’s work, making it accessible to younger audiences and ensuring his stories continue to enchant for years to come. Ruskin Bond and the family are very happy and excited to see his work translated into animation series.”

Along with the series, the two companies have collaborated to co-produce a short-form animated series based on the stories. This short-form series will initially be released on digital platforms, followed by YouTube and other distribution channels. The companies will jointly have the distribution rights for media, toys, merchandise and collectibles.

“We are confident that the animated TV series combined with the global digital strategy to release short-form series on YouTube and other digital platforms will ensure the success of this venture,” said Toonz Media Group chief executive officer P. Jayakumar.

“Ruskin Bond, the legend needs no introduction. Being part of his legacy is a proud moment for all of us. We are thrilled to collaborate with Toonz on this project and are committed to making this venture a global success,” shared Giffi chief executive officer Prabit Nair.

Ruskin Bond’s books have been translated into more than 50 languages and sold over 20 million-plus copies, with many of his endearing titles having endured the test of time to become timeless classics.