Toonz Academy and Karma Play Academy introduce course in video game art

Animation training institutes Toonz Academy and Karma Play Academy have jointly announced the launch of their one-year course in video game art.

The course is structured in a manner that even those working full-time in IT or in other industries can complete it. The first batch will commence on 9 September 2024. Students will be able to learn directly from the creators of legendary games such as The Fast & The Furious Tokyo Drift, Candy Crush Soda Saga, Returnal, Unreal Tournament, Star Wars Jedi Academy, Grounded, EA Golf, and The Sims.

“The ‘Final Game Project’ is designed to be a video game industry internship. This will provide the students with the cutting-edge skills required to produce blockbuster games,” said Toonz Media Group CEO P Jayakumar.

“Creating a triple-A quality game like Grand Theft Auto or Spider-Man takes many years. The production budgets exceed Hollywood blockbusters such as The Avengers,” said Karma Play founder Biju Jones. “Our goal is to train students to produce games that can match the very best in the market today.”

During the ‘Final Game Project’ which lasts six months, all students will get the opportunity to work on a real-world game for the PC, and game consoles such as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. The students will be working in collaboration with the experienced game developers at Karma Play.

During the one-year course, there will be several international guest lectures from video game industry veterans from North America and Europe. These guest lectures will be on specialist subjects such as graphics programming, quality assurance, video game publishing, audio and video game marketing.