Titmouse Studios release test footage of cancelled ‘Deadpool’ animated series

Just days after the disappointing news of FXX’s jettisoning of Deadpool animated series due to creative difference between amongst them, Marvel and David Glover, American animation studios Titmouse released a footage of the series on its official YouTube handle to give a peek into what was in the making.

Apparently a test footage, the clip features the Merc with a Mouth engaging in the kind of barbarity that’s analogous to what we’ve seen in the 2016 Ryan Reynolds-starrer, also bellowing a voice that’s similar to the Hollywood star himself. His eccentricity and slapstick humour are some of the other quirks shown at full pelt here.

Deadpool is seen crossing swords (like literally) with a Gorilla Grodd-like monster on a helipad and getting both his hands and legs amputated by him before scissor-kicking his head against the blades of the helicopter and blowing the place up in flames. The video grab is also interspersed with what looks like caricatures of the fight sequence set in motion, before getting the timely animation touch.

Deadpool animated series was eagerly awaited by the fans after what its live-action equivalent served, but the news of its unfortunate demise left the fans crestfallen. And now to make matters worse, the test footage was promising enough for the fans to spew more barbs at the makers for its cancellation.