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The General Assembly of Animation in Europe elects its board for the next two years

The General Assembly of Animation in Europe, the federation of European Animation Producer
Associations, elected its board for the next two years during its annual meeting in Annecy last

From left to right: Mar Sáez Pedrero, Philippe Alessandri, Tom van Waveren, Dirk Beinhold, Annemie Degryse, Moe Honan

The following candidates, who bring together an extensive range of TV, movie, production and
distribution experience were elected to the board, which works on a voluntary basis: Philippe
Alessandri (France) will continue serving as chairman, Annemie Degryse (Belgium) will serve as
treasurer and Moe Honan (Ireland), Dirk Beinhold (Germany) and Tom van Waveren
(Netherlands) will serve as vice chairs. Mar Sáez Pedrero (Spain) was subsequently asked to
continue as general secretary.

Animation in Europe supports the interests of independent producers, studios and distributors
of animated films and TV series established in Europe and has 18 member organisations from 15
different European countries. A non-profit organisation, Animation in Europe promotes
collaboration, innovation and creativity, facilitating access to financing while fostering global
reach and the development and retention of European talent. In 2017, Animation in Europe
contributed to the Animation Action Plan issued by Europe Creative and has been working with
its members on further development and implementation of its principles in future European
policy beyond 2021.

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