Tanhaji Special | Decoding the VFX imagery

With unceasing buzz and praise being showered on the visual effects imagery of Tanhaji, we spoke to film’s visual effects supervisor Prasad Sutar and other artists to know about how some of the film’s most VFX-rich were created and how this project come about.

Tanjhaji has emerged as one of the most top-notch VFX imageries in the history of Indian Cinema. The film, starring Ajay Devgn and Saif Ali Khan is a visual effects triumph that weaves the story of the unsung warrior Tanaji Malusare to life.

The four-year process of filmmaking and visual effects involved a raft of challenges.The process of pre-visualising the entire film, shot for shot and ahead of time coupled with the visual effects and CGI elements is worth taking a look at.

Watch VFX veteran Prasad Sutar speak candidly about the VFX process of the much-acclaimed movie.