‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Trailer 3: An overprotective Stark gifts Parker fancy tech toys to play with

He is not The Amazing Spider-Man, but this Spider-Man does not fail to amaze us! Sony Pictures Entertainment released the third trailer of their extremely awaited bug-boy movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming.

While the second trailer highlighted the relation that Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Peter Parker (Tom Hollan) share, this one shifts focus to the cool tech that is now a part of Spider-Man’s suit, all thanks to Stark. Some basic functions that help Iron Man’s suit operate have been gifted by Stark to Parker, some of which were shown in the second trailer. Parker is a little taken aback – his “whoa” clearly indicating that – when he first experiences the self-contained environment where he his greeted by the robot-voice from the suit and tells him that he has “576 possible web shooter combinations.” Parker, who previously relied only on the suit and his web, now has an in-built parachute, and we wonder what more will be in store.

Parker is a good student- he asks his guide Stark about what next move to make as well as reports to him on the day’s heroic acts he performs. Even though his deeds are initially limited to keeping the streets off the thieves and gangsters, he manages it in a ludicrous manner – whether it be stopping a “grand theft bicycle” or sabotaging the plans of robbers who have come to rob an ATM vestibule in Avenger masks. And at the end of the day, he is happy.

When confronted with the Vulture for the first time, he is terrified. He makes blunders in his attempts at being cool, which is actually very cool, because he loses his spirit nowhere. He always wants to prove more, help more. At one point Stark disables some of the protocols and Parker is seen being fed up of being treated like a kid.

While Tony Stark and Peter Parker are known to create humour individually, their pair only doubles the dose of laughter — straight-forward Stark and emotional Spider-Man are hilariously cute! Parker tries to adjust to the new tech powered suit, abides by the rules laid by his mentor Tony Stark, hides his identity, and lives-up to his zest of saving lives, all of which make a complex web and help his character grow. And this one truly seems a journey we look forward to.

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theatres on 7 July, 2017.