The 1984 supernatural-comedy movie, Ghostbusters is all set to see the light of the animation world now. Sony has begun developing an animated Ghostbusters which shall be produced by Montecito Picture Company’s Ivan Reitman while Sony Pictures Animation’s (SPA) president KristineBelson and Michael Lachanc shall oversee the project.
The plot details haven’t been revealed so it’s not confirmed whether the film will follow on from Paul Feig’s upcoming live action reboot or not. No writers or director have been roped in yet for the animated version but the project is most likely to follow the fight with the supernatural.
Sony recently wrapped production its Paul Feig directed female-centric reboot starring Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy which is scheduled for release on 15 July, 2016.
This is not the first time Ghostbusters is getting the animated treatment. The supernatural flick has before been translated into an animation TV series which was produced by DiC Enterprises and was aired from 1986 to 1991.
This is the second big property from SPA to have spun-off into an animation film, as Amazing Spider-Man animated movie too is in works with Chris Miller helming the project and Phil Lord handling the writing duties.