Sergio De Frutos: An artist to look forward to

Sergio De Frutos’ journey has not been smooth since he got into graphic novels and movies. Till date he has written two graphic novels, couple of short movies and has also dabbled with gaming and merchandising.

But the strange situation is that all his novels are still unpublished and this talented artist is scouting for publishers. His movie Fear View Mirror was also nominated at the Erie International Film Festival 2014.

“The journey has been really frustrating. I have been writing and making movies since the last six years. Earlier it was very difficult for a film producer or a publisher to understand what I used to send them because of the language barrier. One must be very considerate and patient when dealing with this problem. I have connected with a few producers and publishers recently and hopefully now all my work can see the light of day,” reveals Sergio to

He has studied web application development and stays in Spain. Sergio is a big fan of zombies and the horror genre and has written two graphic novels so far – Radioactive dead (Horror, Sci-fi, thriller, zombies) that will have around ten issues, whereas Bus, which is based on a psychological horror will be a five issue long series.

“Both stories have been written in English and Spanish. I always wanted to write an original story with zombie characters in it. Bus was my first project; this idea struck me while I was travelling in the bus and slept off,” giggles Sergio.

Ricardo Alvarez “Ricasso” is the illustrator and inker of the books. Each book will consist of 20 to 22 pages and will be mostly in the print format. Anyone between 13 to 60 years can read these novels.

“At the moment I am not using the crowd funding platform as I am waiting for the publishers to respond. My future plans are to publish my other graphic novels as well, like Joker Begins. I am also writing scripts for advertisements,” ends Sergio.