Rufflines Animations ventures into IP production with its 3 TV series & a 2D animated superhero movie

As the Indian animation industry is growing—from an outsourcing hub to IP producing industry, one more Indian studio has ventured into the IP production business. Started out in 2005, from creating designs, primary style for characters, Rufflines Animations has finally come out with four IPs.

Founder and creative director, Upendraa Desai and executive producer, Pawan Sharma got talking about the studio’s latest projects. With a team of 15 artists and providing service work for studios based in Canada, Dubai, the UK, Singapore, Norway, Rufflines has earned a reputation for weaving stories with originality and creativity, and delivering 2D and 3D animation.

“Currently we have four IPs with us (which includes one animated film) and the pilots are ready for each. The three series titles include genres like edutainment and slapstick comedy, and the content is not bound by the country. No matter which part of the globe one is in, everybody will still enjoy the story,” says Desai.

Rufflines Animation portfolio
Rufflines Animation portfolio

As for the theatrical animated movie – Ishi: The Gypsy Warrior, Sharma mentions, “The synopsis for the theatrical is out and currently, we are looking for production partners. The movie will have a look and feel of anime and it should be completed by the year 2018. The production and script is ready for this 2D animated super-hero film which will observe the back-story of the protagonist – a female superhero.”

As for the other three titles – Inventions, Across the Globe with Elvis, The Bonobo Tribe, each has its own flavour. Inventions is a minute long slapstick comedy 2D animated webisode which is currently testing waters on an OTT platform. On the other hand, the 52 x 7” episodes – Across the Globe with Elvis is for pre-school kids and falls under the edutainment genre. As for The Bonobo Tribe, it’s once again a 2D animated slapstick show (52 x 5” episodes) which has been created keeping broadcast channels in mind.

Here’s the synopsis for each show / film:



This is a spoof on all the great inventions of the world. The story revolves around a brother and sister through whose misadventures, we figure how the original thought for the invention might have happened.

Across the globe with Elvis

Across the Globe with Elvis

This is a travel adventure series about three adventurous kids, a lazy dog and a robot with teleportation skills. Alex, Mancha and Aisha find Elvis, the Robot and soon figure out that he can teleport them to anywhere in the world.


The Bonobo Tribe

This is an 2D Flash animated series, which takes us to a world of an adorably dysfunctional and crazy monkey family and their misadventures. The series is infused with non-stop slapstick humour and gags that would have kids feel interested, engaged, and enthused.


ISHI - Poster

Ishi: The Gypsy Warrior

Ishi is a fantasy/action super-hero series. Only this time, the super-hero is indeed a super-girl. Guarded by a nomadic tribe and Gifted to donn avatars, Ishi is destined to fight evil wherever and whenever it shows up. Only, Ishi has no inkling of her own destiny and the role she is meant to play in saving the world.

I got the opportunity to see the pilot episodes of the three series and while Across the Globe with Elvis and The Bonobo Tribe had their own touch, Inventions with its unique storyline offers something fresh on the table.

We wish Rufflines Animations good luck for their future endeavours and wish to see these interesting shows / film on the screens soon.