VFX Review: 'Zombieland:Double tap' packs hilarity in the action-filled post-apocalyptic world -

Review: ‘Zombieland:Double tap’ packs hilarity in the action-filled post-apocalyptic world

Zombieland: Double tap doesn’t operate on an assumption that viewers have watched the previous version as the sequel takes place a decade after the original. With clever use of text-on-screen, the movie establishes the characters as well as the types of Zombies in post-apocalyptic America right at the outset.

In the Zombie-ridden world, the team has taken refuge in the White House and laid down a host of rules that they must absolutely abide by in order to survive. Fans of Zombieland would be chuffed to welcome Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita, and Little Rock reprising their roles in the sequel of the Cult Classic Zombie-killing flick.

Staying true to the horror-comedy genre, Zombieland is rife with countless pop-culture and historic references from the ’80s that span over an action-packed journey of the Zombie-slaying quartet.

Between tinkering with presidential momentos, gunning down zombies in the slickest ways, dealing with changing equations and Elvis Presley impersonations, Zombieland’s sequel intrigues albeit conjures up the same comedic scenarios that the original has previously treated us to

The movie VFX is done by Crafty Apes, FOLKS, Rodeo FX, Spin VFX. Packing  created environments from White House to Leaning Tower of Pisa, it carries one theme that every place is under zombie attack.

The movie fuses the horror of zombies with humour. The enchanting place Babylon which can be dubbed as the ultimate ‘safe-haven commune’ was created well with the mixture of popping colors and well-blended graphics.

The climax of the movie includes a lot of spellbinding CG fireworks and fire sequences. The inclusion of the monster truck with humongous CG tricks in the last scene is a gratifying action scene. Overall the movie is a decent watch.

Written by Parth Kaushik and Poonam Mondal