VFX Purple Turtle to be seen with Keith Kimberlin and Angel Cat Sugar -

Purple Turtle to be seen with Keith Kimberlin and Angel Cat Sugar

Aadarsh Pvt. Ltd. in association with Keith Kimberlin, is all set to publish hybrid books in which Kimberlin’s photographed dogs will be featured in Purple Turtle stories.

Manish Rajoria, director of Adarsh Pvt. Ltd. said: “Originally introduced in 2012, Purple Turtle books have been published in USA, UK, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Indonesia, Sir Lanka, Malaysia, China, and in six regional languages in India with over, 1 million copies published to date. Purple Turtle started as a children’s book imprint of Aadarsh Pvt. Ltd. which and was transformed to a gender neutral pre-school character for global audience. Looking at the amazing response, more than 100 books were launched at Frankfurt Book Fair, 2012.”

“An animated series of Purple Turtle (78 x 7 min, 3D HD) is in development, and features the world’s cutest turtle, a little guy who stands out of the normal crowd because he tends to think differently than others, or better yet, a bit ‘out of his shell’,” he added.

Keith Kimberlin is a world-renowned photographer whose images capture the unique personalities of his models, kittens and puppies. His unmistakable style reflects the deep rapport he has with the animals he photographs; evoking an emotional connection with them and making them feel comfortable being photographed.

LoCoco Licensing, Keith’s agent and collaborator since 1995, has successfully developed with Keith, a portfolio that is currently licensed on over 400 different products in more than 75 countries, representing retail sales exceeding $535 million.

Apart from Keith Limberlin, Aadarsh Pvt. Ltd. will also collaborate with Yoko Shimizu, creator of Hello Kitty for books featuring Purple Turtle with Shimizu’s Angel Cat Sugar.

On the association Yuko Shimizu, the creator of Angel Cat Sugar who is also the original creator of Hello Kitty commented: “I am very excited about the collaboration of these two characters. Both characters are sweet and loved by children around the world. For the fans of each character, it will be very happy to see both characters together in the book. We hope this project makes all the readers happy just like it did for us.”

Shunsuke Tamura, president of Tact Communications added, “We are very happy about this new friendship of the two characters. In addition to this book featuring two successful characters, this collaboration will also enhance and positively benefit the licensing programs of Purple Turtle and Angel Cat Sugar around the world.”

Angel Cat Sugar was introduced in 2002 by the original creator of Hello Kitty, Yuko Shimizu, who hopes all children can fulfill their dreams and be happy, just like Sugar!