‘PUBG Mobile’ to host a 24-hour live-stream event for Sandstorm

PUBG Mobile has teased details about the in-game event which will hold an official 24-hour live broadcast Youtube channel. This live event will be held on 12 May to celebrate the arrival of the new Sandstorm mode. Players will fight together to survive the effects of the sandstorm weather on the map Miramar. As part of the announcement, PUBG Corp also share some tips on upcoming modes.

Talking about tips on upcoming modes, PUBG Corp added that players must “always be within reach of protection”. This will ensure that they are not trapped in the open when a sandstorm comes out of nowhere. As soon as a sandstorm hits during the match, they must find shelter and crouch around to the end. The company hasn’t shared much about the upcoming modes outside of promotional posters.


The first Sandstorm Mode will become normal where a large sandstorm will appear in a random location on the map. But, secondly, the heavy Sandstorm mode will cover the entire Miramar map. We are not unsure whether this will be two different modes or two types of sandstorm in game mode. This will result in limited visibility so players must be careful when driving on Sandstorm.

In addition to focusing on sound, limited visibility will also have an impact on weapon selection on the map. Selecting Assault and SMG rifles will be much better in this mode. This is because most battles will occur in the medium to close range. Other than Sandstorm, PUBG Mobile will also get Scramble mode and Jungle Adventure Guide mode.