‘Pokemon Go’ to host a series of events including Unova celebration in January 2021

2021 is just around the corner, and Pokemon Go developer Niantic has now detailed the game’s first Community Day of the new year and the events ahead. The event will take place on 16 January, and the featured monster this time around will be the Fighting-type Pokemon Machop. Before that the Unova event kicks off in the Pokemon Go app on Tuesday, 5 January 2021, and runs until Sunday, 10 January 2021 and the highlight of the event is to catch a Shiny Snivy, and complete any challenges the game brings your way.

2021 will see Pokemon franchise celebrate its 25th anniversary with some extra-special events including a Pokemon Go Tour celebration of the region that started it all, Gen 1’s Kanto, in February.

In the build-up to the 25th-anniversary event, Niantic has announced that there will be a weekly celebration of other regions in the game to increase anticipation and give fans more content to enjoy.

First up is Unova, which made its debut in 2010’s Pokemon Black & White on the Nintendo DS.

The January Community Event is all about Machop. It’s not the rarest Pokemon, and it was already available in a shiny form.
However, it’s still a popular choice among trainers. Plus, the event has some cool features to look forward to. Here’s a list of them all.

  • Machop will appear more frequently in the wild. You’ll also have a better chance to catch a shiny one.
  • If you evolve Machoke into Machamp during the event or up to two hours afterwards, it is guaranteed to learn the move Payback.
  • A hidden surprise will unravel itself if you take a few snapshots during the event.
  • Pokemon Go trainers can buy a one-off special Machop Community Day Box for 1,280 PokeCoins. It includes an Elite Charged TM, four Incense, four Star Pieces, and 30 Ultra Balls.

Trainers can also buy the Machop Community Day Special Research story for one dollar. It’s called ‘Straight to the Top, Machop!’ Niantic will be selling a special item bundle in Pokemon Go‘s in-game shop that contains the following:

  • 1 Elite Charged T
  • 4 Incense
  • 4 Star Pieces
  • 30 Ultra Balls

During Unova event number of Pokemon will be appearing in raids during the event, including Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blastoise. See the full list below:

  • One-star raids: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Timburr, Dwebble, and Klink
  • Three-star raids: Herdier, Tranquill, Excadrill, and Amoonguss
  • Five-star raids: Genesect holding a Burn Drive
  • Mega raids: Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blastoise, and Mega Abomasnow