Pixar’s animated short ‘Piper’ looks quite real and palpable in its first look

Short films have the power to captivate your limited attention span by conveying a dominant tale in a specified duration. Added advantage to a short film lies when they are animated; for it is then that you are attracted to the film due to its creativity and visual appeal.

Disney Pixar has well used this strategy by creating another short film Piper which will release on 17 June, 2016 just before the release of the quite awaited feature Finding Dory.

Disney UK released the first look for this short with the little sandpiper searching for clams just when the wave retreats. However, the mother is quite reluctant and wants the tiny kid to learn it on its own so pushes it further towards the sea. This action  somewhat resonates how we are often pushed in difficult situations in life ourselves so that we learn to face it and overcome it on our own.

After searching helter skelter, the sandpiper manages to find its food but probably it is a bit late and there is wave coming. So as all the sandpipers retreat, the Sandpiper has to pull up its socks too. But, will the tiny bird make it? Will it ever learn to find its own food? What is its fear?

So many questions for a six minute short film sound strange but there are definitely more to come as this short is based on the basic concept of ‘Overcoming your fears‘. The highlight of this short lies in its realistic appeal because it does not look like an animated short. The sandpipers almost look real. In fact, every element, be it the sand, water, the beach, clams, bubble look so natural that you might mistake it for a live action film.

Pixar is known for its art of storytelling and definitely we can anticipate an intense piece in this creation too. Finding Dory has already created the buzz and attracted eyeballs and this short film will just add to the grandeur.