Nickelodeon Animation Studio has asked three of its top employees to leave the organisation. As reported by Cartoon Brew, senior VP current series Rich Magallanes, senior VP animation development Jenna Boyd and VP animation development Jill Sanford will no longer be a part of the company.
This comes as a part of a restructuring at Viacom18, Nickelodeon’s parent company. When Nickelodeon got a new chief last month in Cyma Zarghami to handle Viacom Kids and Family Group, Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman sent a mail to employees stating that ‘our industry is in transition and change does not always come easy. “We are working hard to adapt to changing audience behavior, to incorporate new forms of distribution and to better integrate technology into everything we do.”
Rich has been with the company since 18 years and has worked on shows such as Rugrats, The Wild Thornberrys and Angry Beavers. Jenna has also been associated for the same time while Jill joined in 2012 from Disney.
Off late, Nick Animation has been trying to move away from its executive-driven approach to series creation and promote a renewed focus on artist-driven projects.