Netflix shares new image of animated ‘Castlevania’ season 3

Netflix reveals the first image for the anticipated third season of Castlevania. A Netlfix animated original, the series is based on the acclaimed video game franchise of the same name. The official Twitter account for Castlevania has updated its banner with a new image showing Carmilla and other unseen characters.

Netflix confirmed a season three would be made almost immediately after the debut of season two, adding that director Sam Deats, executive producer Warren Ellis, and executive producers Adi Shankar, Fred Seibert, and Kevin Kolde would return.

Penned by Ellis, Castlevania follows Trevor (Richard Armitage), the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, who is trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepes (Graham McTavish). But Trevor no longer is alone, and now he and his misfit comrades race to find a way to save humanity from extinction at the hands of the grief-maddened Dracula and his sinister vampire war council.

Produced by Austin, Texas-based Powerhouse Animation with Brad Graeber as supervising producer, and Jason Williams as producer, season three of Castlevania has confirmed 10 episodes as of now.